When my son became addicted, I was lost.
But this program saved our lives.

The Transformative Boundaries Essential Experience
The most balanced and cost-effective way ever to encourage recovery for your son or daughter...
And regain peace in your home and your heart… in just 8 short weeks!
When Helping Doesn’t Help...
You have been consumed by your child’s addiction! And you still feel the same unconditional love for them. So you try anything to help them, and in doing so, take on the impossible burden of their addiction.
Wondering if you’re alone in this? Does this sound familiar?
It's 3am. You're half asleep, half worried. Where are they? Staying up late, or even all night, waiting for them to get home so you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that at least tonight, they are safe.
You begged them to stop this destructive cycle.
You keep it hidden or locked away. Your wallet, alcohol, medications and anything valuable. Because you're afraid they might steal from you.
You've searched high and low for them. Driven around neighborhoods that make you feel unsafe.
You've endured physical, mental, or emotional abuse.
You've watched one too many unsuccessful attempts at therapy or rehab.
Enough is enough. You've threatened to kick them out of the house - or actually done so.
When addiction hits home, it’s just what we do
Your motherly instinct is simply to care for and protect your addicted child.
If you are like any of the mothers I talk to, your motherly instincts have left you emotionally exhausted and physically drained.
Understand that you are NOT to blame for their addiction. And you CAN play a role in their recovery without losing your sanity in the process.
Let me tell you, directly from my heart...
The Transformative Boundaries Experience is for you.
Hi, my name is Barbara Decker.
I’m the mother of Eric Decker, who’s now in active recovery & leads a wonderful new life of sobriety.
And I spent years trying to figure out...
I didn’t know then.
I know now.
My typical decisions - my instinctive decisions as a mother - were actually keeping him in his addiction.
I was helping Eric to remain an addict.
I went on a long exploration to find answers. I could not find a program, a course, or instruction on exactly how to do these things in my own complicated world.
And so once I DID figure it out, I built The Transformative Boundaries Experience.
I went ahead and assembled every piece of information I found - the pieces that worked for me.
And so once I DID figure it out, I built The Transformative Boundaries Experience.
I went ahead and assembled every piece of information I found – the pieces that worked for me.
So that other moms would have this step-by-step guide to help their child get well.
I asked this question of hundreds of addicts:
Looking back, what do you wish you could’ve told your parents during your addiction?
The answers were almost unanimous.
So I set out to build a program about how to do exactly what our addicts need us to do.
Welcome to that program – Welcome to The Transformative Boundaries Experience.
This program has already helped hundreds of other mothers just like you. These moms report they worry less, are less stressed and less anxious about their adult addict children…
And sometimes these moms report they have even inspired their children to come clean. 🙏
It’s built on my own Love Another Way(™) Framework.
and ONLY available right here.


Life is about to change.
The Transformative Boundaries 8 Week Online Training Program.
Includes 4 modules & 4 Secret Messages each week that walk you through, step-by-step, EXACTLY how I healed myself & my son:
You have priorities. But do you know what they are? ‘Transformative Priorities' gives you a step-by-step recipe to help you identify clear priorities in your life. This is a MUST to handle your child’s addiction. Realizing that YOU have priorities is the key to breaking the hold your child’s addiction has on you.
It's time to take a look back. This is the only way to identify positive & negative boundaries between you and your child. And to then fix boundaries that actually harm both you and your child. And put new ones into place that give you peace & encourage your child to choose recovery! You put our ‘Boundaries Retrospective’ tool to work for you.
A boundary is more than just saying no. Find out what truly makes a boundary transformative enough to inspire your child to choose recovery. ‘The Boundary-Benefit Evaluation Exercise’ leads you step-by-step through your choices. You find shades of gray. You consider what is most beneficial for BOTH you and your child. You learn what truly makes a boundary transformative enough to inspire your child to choose recovery!
It's time to ‘Practice’ this new boundary decision-making process in your real life. Practicing in your life is the ONLY way to create and KEEP positive change. This final step helps you enter the real world with confidence in yourself... and confidence that your child will choose recovery.
4 Secret Step-By-Step Healing Messages weekly
Your child's addiction is holding you hostage. These secret messages erase the negative thoughts and fears you have, day by day. These messages help you lead a more loving, stress-free, & fun life with your family! All while giving your child his or her best chance at recovery.
Best of all, the program only requires about 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week.
It’s all accessible through my website - to which you get your own 100% private login as soon as you sign up below. No one else will ever know you’re logged in.
And you receive LIFETIME access.
Here’s a sneak peek inside one of the lessons:

Once enrolled, you simply watch the short videos and apply the life-changing lessons to your daily life…
Imagine this: 8 short weeks from now...
Those worries, stresses, and anxieties that have been plaguing you slowly slip away until you can no longer remember them…
As each day that goes by, you literally feel months or years of built-up stress disappear.
And you are able to focus on your spouse, your family, and even the hobbies that you haven’t been able to enjoy for years… once again.
Take it from me.
When you start to feel more at peace with yourself…
Your child will notice.
He or she won’t feel over-protected or that their boundaries are being broken like they used to.
They’ll violate your rules less often…
They’ll start to see you’ve changed… In a positive, more loving way because you are taking all the right steps to help them change their life.
The Transformative Boundaries Experience. It's more than just a course. It's a life-changing experience.
And when you join today, you'll also receive these amazing bonuses.
The LoveAnotherWay JumpStart Guide.
You have pressing problems. Meet the LoveAnotherWay JumpStart Guide.
Instant access to short videos, audio clips, and stories. These clips feature addicts. These clips feature recovery professionals. These clips even feature other moms who have successfully healed addiction.
All bite size, easy to digest, nuggets of gold.
All in the voice of people who have successfully defeated addiction.
A Private Next-Steps Call
After your 8 life-changing weeks in The Transformative Boundaries Experience, you get on the phone. We create your personalized plan to maintain the healing & growth of both you AND your child forever onward.
This guarantees that you’re doing everything you can to heal yourself & your child. Imagine how relaxed you are for the rest of your life knowing that you’ve done everything you can.
But let’s go over your other options...
- It’s time to be honest with yourself. You can take the “expensive route” and continue to spend tens of thousands of dollars. You can drag yourself and your child to therapy, counseling, interventions, and “forced rehab” sessions. Your child will probably hate this. Your child will probably become more resistant every time. In fact, you’ve probably already tried all that by now, and you’re reading this because nothing else has worked.
- The free route is a highway to nowhere. You can attend different public meetings. You can simply hope and pray that you come across some type of “magic bullet” that cures everything. And after years of trying this, I can promise you it’s not worth watching your child get progressively worse to the point of near-death. And if you don’t figure it out in time… you may lose your child.
- You can spend years conducting Harvard-level research reports and using psychology to study addicts themselves. And maybe years from now you’ll figure out everything I figured out… if it’s not too late.
It’s time to break the cycle.
The last thing you want to do is spend more time and money on ineffective solutions. Yet, without learning how to Love Another Way and create real and sensible boundaries, the cycle may repeat itself again and again.
You’ve been through hell and back. But you don’t have to stay there.
We can help turn your life around.
The truth is, if you don’t join The Transform Boundaries Experience today, nothing will change.
You’ll be lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. You’ll have the same crippling fears & anxiety that have plagued you since you discovered your child’s addiction.
And they will undoubtedly get worse.
You know the feeling.
New worries will enter your head every single day about where your child is, what they’re doing, or if they’re still alive.
Your heart will sink every time you hear the phone ring.
And every time you hear sirens, you might wonder if it’s an ambulance racing to save your child.
And the more you try to deny it, the more prominent these worries will become.
Worst of all, without this program, your son or daughter may never feel inspired to choose recovery.
And if they don’t…
God forbid something happens...
Won’t you think back to this moment? ...
When you had the opportunity to join The Transformative Boundaries Experience before it closes…
And maybe feel a little bit of regret that you didn’t try it?
It’s not too late.
Join The Transformative Boundaries Experience while it’s still available.
Ultimately, the decision is yours.
But I trust you’ll make the right choice.
Thank you so much for spending your time with me today.
And I look forward to speaking with you…
And hearing about your family’s success very soon.
Find a pocket of joy today,
Barbara Decker, Certified Family Recovery Specialist (CFRS)

Legendary Doctor Gives Boundary Course 5 Stars

See what others say about the program





Jackie J

Donna R





Kelly Y.



Karen G.
Frequently Asked Questions
When I commit, how much time will it take? I’m drowning already.
Simply put, you will get out what you put in. You are worth the investment and remember it is uniquely designed for moms in your situation. Plan on 2-3 hours a week, and you’ll be off to a great start. As well, there is bonus content if you have more time.
I have a therapist and/or a group I already attend. Is this program suitable for me?
Yes, absolutely!
Interesting fact: my students refer me to their therapists over and over... and their therapists refer their other clients back to me! This experience works beautifully with therapy and other group programs. Think of it as a jump-start to everything you are already working towards.
I’m the grandmother, can I still join? I'm the father, can I still join? Or is this just for moms?
The short answer is YES! This program works well for anyone who loves an addict. Grandparents, fathers, stepparents, aunts, and uncles, etc. We are glad you are here, and we're here to help!
My child also has a mental illness. Is this a good fit for me?
Yes, absolutely. Here’s why.
It is impossible to diagnose or treat mental illness while a person is using drugs or alcohol. The individuals must enter recovery before the mental illness can be tackled.
However, the Love Another Way process works just as well if you have a child with only a mental illness, so you are still in the right place.
Fun fact: My son was diagnosed with all kinds of mental illness. Once he entered recovery, I expected to have to next deal with those illnesses. Delightful surprise: once Eric was in recovery, he had ZERO mental illnesses remaining.
Are you for real?
I get this from time to time. Yes, I’m for real. Email me with any questions: [email protected].
Can I join if my friend is an addict?
Yes, the process is the same.
Can’t I just figure this out on my own?
Isn’t that what you’ve been doing? I do not know what exact solutions you’ve tried in the past. I do know that nothing else has truly fixed your situation, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this.
The Transformative Boundaries Experience teaches you the skills you need. It teaches you how to set and hold Transformative Boundaries. It teaches you how to actually Love Another Way. It uses my own proven model and is only available inside this program
How can I join?
Click the link below to be taken to the 100% Secure (SSL) Order Form!

"I was a basket case. Feeling all alone. Lost. Devastated. Now I'm hopeful. I'm much more peaceful because my son is slowly getting it and I'm less stressed."

"I am so grateful that I finally found this course. Now I don’t have to plan my life around my addict anymore. I have learned how to set boundaries and have peace and quiet in my life again. I have even started dating again. I am no longer isolated and drowning in the addict’s chaos. I have my life back and I am not so depressed anymore. The isolation caused so much emotional chaos for me and my grandson. But now we are both happy and healthy again."

Ontario, Canada
"I am very excited to have discovered that there is a process that really makes the boundary setting clear and I can use it whenever I need it. And I feel proud that I can stand up for myself and set boundaries clearly and stick to it. I am more confident that I have my own life, deserve my own happiness and it's so important to take a step back and let my children grow.
I am striving for growth and peace in my life. I feel emotionally better on a day-to-day basis because I am taking the time to think issues over more and not reacting in the moment which has helped with my approach. I am proud that I am now sticking up for my boundaries even though I know I will get defensive backlash, crying and yelling. Oh well - too bad for them. I am confident that I am asking normal requests and my feelings are important and if you can not follow them you do not need to be here."

Pennsylvania, USA