10 Ways To Successfully Have A
Difficult Conversation Without Being
Totally Ignored Or Yelled At
For years, I felt caught between a rock and a hard place. All the time. Between my son Eric's struggles with mental illness and substance abuse, my folks' rapidly deteriorating health, and a high-stress work environment, I felt like I was shouting into the wind.
I wasn't being heard, my needs were forgotten. But, as I delved deeper, I unearthed a few life-changing communication techniques. These became my anchor when the world was spinning out of control. I found my voice again and began to make a difference — one heart-to-heart conversation at a time.
The weight of going unheard in conversations is deeply painful. But today's a new day. Take a step to ensure you're genuinely heard, respected, and confident in your communication, paving the way for transformation.
This is your chance to finally feel seen, heard, and understood in any conversation by your loved ones!
Here’s what just a sneak peek of of what you’ll discover inside:
You are NOT the problem and your requests are NOT unreasonable. The key is learning to fight, not against loved ones, but for the relationship, peace, love, and solutions.
"I loved all of this so much. My adult daughter has depression and anxiety and lives with me. Our conversations always end badly. I can't wait to try these strategies together." ~Sherri
Shift The Dynamics Of Any Conversation, Be It With Family Or Peers. This Guide Will Offer Clarity, Reduce Anxiety And Gives You Your Power Back. Digest In A Single Sitting And Transform The Way You Connect, Immediately.

"Because of abuse in childhood and in marriage I have always tip-toed around difficult conversations. Or avoided them completely. This has given me a lot to work with. Thank you." ~Joanne

“Everyone should know this, but we don’t. Thank you for sharing.” ~Charlene

And As A Result You’re
Going To Be Able To…
See What Others Are Saying
Real people are using these strategies to find their voice:
As nervous as I was, every conversation went really well. This is a life lesson I will always cherish and use. ~Debby M.
I knew what I wanted to say. If it is spoken with grace, was effective, and the other person gave their opposite view and that was ok. I spoke my truth.
~Nancy C.
Real people are using these strategies to deepen their relationships:
One time he was visibly shocked when I responded in a positive way and we both laughed. I believe this strategy has brought us closer together and we are enjoying each other's company today. The change in our relationship makes me so happy. ~Debby M.
Real people are using these strategies to solutions instead of problems:
I feel good after our conversations. I have found this strategy engages others more in conversation and quite often we talk about the advice and solutions more. ~Tena A.
The other person responded with good communication back. The other person was calmed by my remaining calm...
I felt good using it. The other person felt validated. ~Nancy C.
Real people are using these strategies with their children:
My son reacts in a much more receptive way to my advice now. Instead of just nodding and saying "yes, okay yes"... he actually engages in longer conversations where we discuss an issue he is having and then he solves it himself...
It personally makes me feel more compassionate and I feel empowered when I can walk away and think about a solution...
I feel like I am getting my son back and that he is growing toward being more independent. Brilliant!! ~Marlies C.
Real people are using these strategies to establish boundaries:
I feel empowered knowing that I do not have to participate in a conversation that turns south. And while my son didn't like being shut down, he realized that it was best for both of us to exit the conversation. ~Melody W.
I felt relieved to have that exit strategy - sticking to my boundaries has been much easier for me these days and I feel confident that I can stick to this one should things turn. ~Marlies C.
I have used this a lot!! I know now that I do NOT have to listen to bad language! ~Joy K.
Real people are using these strategies with their clients:
I use this with my patients and families... they are thankful. ~Nancy C.
For 8 Years, It Felt Like My Son Eric and I Were On Separate Planets
It became quite clear that he was dealing with mental health issues and a hidden struggle with drugs.
On top of that, my dad was wrestling with cancer, my mom's mind was getting tangled up with Alzheimer's, and my boss gaslighted me and mansplained over and over.
Talk about a mountain of stress.
But here's the thing.
I knew what I needed most was to reach Eric.
I needed him to behave differently. Yet, his disease was running the show.
He lied.
It was like he fell off the face of the earth. He wouldn't answer my calls.
He left me worried about getting a heartbreaking knock at the door...
When I did see him, he just wasn’t the same. He was only a shell of who he used to be.
I tried everything to support him.
I prayed & prayed that all of my efforts would change who he was…
I gave him all the love & support a parent can possibly give…
But it didn’t seem to matter.
I felt like I couldn’t get through to him.
He didn’t listen. He misunderstood. He took things out of context.
Every conversation felt like walking through a minefield…
When we did communicate, it was filled with misinterpretations. It was like we spoke different languages.
I tried every method known to bridge the gap.
I hoped & hoped that all my efforts would forge a stronger connection so I can finally get through to him and make the changes he needed to make.
I gave it all the patience and understanding one could muster.
Yet, it felt like I was talking to a wall.
I felt like I couldn’t convey my true intentions.
And if you’re still reading this…
It’s probably because you’ve felt the same frustration.
How do you get your message across without causing more friction?
It's complex.
What words should you choose?
What tone should you adopt?
When is the right moment to broach a subject?
How much should you reveal?
What should you keep to yourself?
If these questions resonate, know you're not the only one.
Because here’s the reality:
Navigating communication without guidance is like navigating a maze in the dark.
I struggled with it for years, trying to foster genuine connections.
Years of misunderstandings.
Countless missed opportunities.
Endless conversations that led nowhere.
But after 8 years of trial and error I was able to hone in on my communication strategies and make REAL progress..
My relationships transformed.
All because I was able to truly 'hear and be heard' thanks to the raw, genuine insights on effective communication…
And now after decades of perfecting them, I’ve discovered everything I needed to bridge every gap.
Now, you can, too.
Barbara Decker, Certified Family Recovery Specialist (CFRS)

P.S.: The “10 Ways To Successfully Have A Difficult Conversation Without Being Totally Ignored Or Yelled At” guide is what I wish I had... when miscommunication took a toll on my relationship with my son. It would've saved me YEARS of confusion, frustration, and I would’ve been able to inspire change and transformation faster…